Thursday, June 30, 2011

Signal Hill

Yesturday was the first really good weather day that we've had here this summer. So, naturally, James and I took full advantage of it and did a little touring while we could. We headed up to Signal Hill in the morning time and got some good Pictures Of the North Atlantic.
There was a mini army and Band doing some drills for us. It was nice to see.
Newfoundland is so Beautiful. It reminds me of Alaska mixed with a litte bit of Scotland landscape (and even though I have never been over Seas, From what I've seen from T.V. that's what I would say it looks like). On December 12, 1901 the first Translantic Wireless Transmission was recieved here by Guglielmo Marconi in an abandonded fever and Diphtheria Hospital, which has since been destroyed by fire. The transmission, in Morse Code, originated from his Poldhu Wireless Station, Cornwall, UK. (Thank You Wikipedia).Most Summer's There would be a Giant Iceburg in these Photos as well, but I guess not many have floated inland this year. But a ways out there is an iceburg that is 2 miles wide! That is bigger than the average Burg!
Love Always,
Mrs. Fray Fray

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